Modern Slavery Policy
ăsembl Pty Ltd (hereinafter referred to as ‘ǎsembl” or “the Company”) is committed to conducting its business in a responsible and ethical manner. As part of this commitment, ǎsemblrecognises the importance of addressing modern slavery and human trafficking in its operations and supply chains. This policy has been developed to ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”).
This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and business partners of ǎsembl, regardless of their geographical location.
The primary objectives of this policy are to:
A. Ensure that ǎsembl’s operations and supply chains are free from modern slavery and human trafficking;
B. Create awareness among employees, contractors, suppliers, and business partners about modern slavery and human trafficking;
C. Establish processes for identifying, reporting and addressing instances of modern slavery and human trafficking.
• “Modern slavery” is defined as situations in which an individual is coerced, deceived, or forced into work or services against their will. This includes forced labour, debt, bondage, involuntary servitude, human trafficking, child, labour, and other forms of exploitation.
• “Human trafficking“ refers to the recruitment, transportation, transfer, or receipt of persons, by means of threat, use of force, or other forms of coercion for the purpose of exploitation.
Company Responsibilities
ǎsembl shall:
• maintain a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking in its operations and supply chains;
• regularly assess and monitor the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in its operations and supply chains;
• implement and maintain procedures for the identifications and reporting of modern slavery and human trafficking, including providing training to relevant employees;
• establish appropriate due diligence, processes, for engaging with suppliers, contractors, and business partners to ensure that they adhere to ǎsembl’s Modern Slavery Policy;
• implement a grievance mechanism for employees, contractors, suppliers, and business partners to report instances of modern slavery, and human trafficking;
• undertake regular reviews of this policy, and it’s effectiveness in preventing and addressing modern slavery and human trafficking.
Employee Responsibilities
All employees of ǎsembl are required to:
• familiarise themselves with this policy and adhere to its provisions;
• report any instances or suspicions of modern slavery or human trafficking in the Company’s operations or supply chains through the designated reporting channels;
• participate in any training or awareness programs provided by the Company in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking.
ǎsembl encourages employees, contractors, suppliers, and business partners to report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery or human trafficking through the Company’s grievance mechanism or by contacting the designated person responsible for modern slavery compliance.
Consequences of Non-Compliance
Any employees found to be in breach of this policy may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Suppliers, contractors, or business partners found to be in breach of this policy may face termination of contracts and exclusion from future business opportunities with ǎsembl.
Review and Continuous Improvement
ǎsembl will review this policy and its associated procedures on a regular basis to ensure their effectiveness in addressing the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking. The Company is committed to continuously improving its processes and practices to prevent and address instances of modern slavery and human trafficking in its operations and supply chains.
This policy will be made publicly available on ǎsembl’s website and provided to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and business partners upon request.
If you have any queries or complaints about our Modern Slavery Policy, please contact us at: