Team ăsembl has expert insight in every report.

Our Lead Team


Gabrielle Hicks

Gabrielle, a seasoned professional in the medico-legal arena with over a decade of experience, brings invaluable expertise to her role as Operational Director at ăsembl. Her innovative approach seamlessly merges medical and legal intricacies, fostering collaboration among professionals and streamlining operations for exceptional customer experiences. Passionate about aligning organisational dynamics with strategic imperatives, Gabrielle's visionary leadership propels Asembl to redefine industry standards, setting new benchmarks for excellence and innovation. 


Deon St.Mōr

Deon St.Mor is a dynamic entrepreneur with a diverse skill set encompassing brand architecture, business strategy, AI consultancy, product design, and retail. With three decades of experience, he has founded successful ventures, showcasing his ability to innovate and scale businesses globally. Deon's passion for design and culture drives his entrepreneurial journey, propelling him to redefine industry standards and set new benchmarks for excellence.

Let’s get you started with ăsembl, today.